Author: Fellowship Team

Announcing the 2020 National Gathering in Durham, NC

The Fellowship Community Board is excited to announce the 2020 National Gathering at Blacknall Memorial Presbyterian Church in Durham, NC, April 28-30, 2020

Study on Spiritual Warfare at Pastor’s Gathering this Fall

Jesus won the decisive battle against the powers of darkness, but that does not mean we can sit back and relax. Evil has not yet admitted defeat. Those who call Jesus Lord must join him in the fight. Pastors can lead our congregations to name, face, confess, and resist evil faithfully, prayerfully, and proactively, based on reformed Christian theology and practice.

Adam Neder Presenting at the October Theology Conference

Drawing on the work of Søren Kierkegaard, Karl Barth, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Adam Neder will offer clear and creative theological and spiritual reflections on the art of teaching the Christian faith at this year’s Theology Conference in San Diego.

Darrell Guder at the Fall Gatherings in San Diego

The Fellowship Community is pleased to announce Darrell Guder as one of the key presenters at both The Pastors’ Gathering and The Theology Conference this Fall.