Author: Fellowship Team

The Long Game of Faithfulness

Fellowship Community members want to live out a biblical, orthodox, evangelical Faith, and we want to do that in a denomination with which we sometimes disagree.  And so, the questions for us are: What are we to do now? What are we to believe? How are we to obey?

Church Leadership and the Holy Spirit – a National Gathering Workshop

We are pleased to welcome the Rev. Susan Finck to lead a 2019 National Gathering workshop entitled Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Much is written about listening prayer and the Holy Spirit’s guidance for individuals.  But how can we truly cooperate with the Holy Spirit as a session or ministry leadership team?  How can we truly embrace God’s sovereign leadership of our local church in various specific expressions, thus “keeping in step” with the Spirit? 

Theology as a Way of Life with Professor Adam Neder

The Fellowship Community has always held that theological teaching is an important aspect of our call as the Church. That’s why we are pleased to welcome Professor Adam Neder to the 2019 National Gathering to lead the workshop, Theology as a Way of Life: On the Art of Teaching the Christian Faith.

God’s Justice in Action – the 2019 National Gathering

In our journey toward a transformed world reflecting God’s justice and peace, there are far too many who face a constant, tangible, very real threat: everyday violence. At this 2019 National Gathering, during the session “God’s Justice in Action:  Defending the World’s Most Vulnerable” we session will examine this hidden plague that is destroying lives and undermining the fight against poverty in the developing world.