Author: Fellowship Team

We believe … in the one holy catholic apostolic church

The Fellowship Community invites you to its Fourth Annual Theology Conference.

The Importance of Friends in Christ: The 2018 Pastor’s Gathering

The Fellowship Community holds dear as one its core values the desire, indeed need, for friendships in Christ. Toward that end we host, and invite all, to an annual Pastor’s Gathering.

The Fellowship Community at General Assembly: An Overview

The 223rd General Assembly acted on hundreds of issues as a response to the biblical mandate to be God’s faithful people in the 21st century: seeking justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with our God. While past GAs have been contentious for those who hold more conservative theological positions, it was noted by our Fellowship GA participants that Christian forbearance and respect marked the spirit of this assembly.  It was our experience that persons from a broad range of perspectives repeatedly thanked conservatives for staying in the PCUSA and engaging issues in faithful ways.

2019 National Gathering in Tulsa

The Fellowship Community is pleased to announce the dates and location for the 2019 National Gathering. February 19-21, 2019 at the First Presbyterian Church in Tulsa, OK.