Author: Fellowship Team

Sustaining Conversations

Talk does not solve any problem in the church or world and, by itself, does not make for faithfulness, but it is now impossible for me to imagine how my faith deepens and ministry widens without sustained committed conversation. I will be attending the next National Gathering of The Fellowship Community. I would be very glad if you would join these conversations. It is needed. 


What would it look like for the church, rather than ignore, hide from or compete with the culture…to engage it? I have more questions than answers. But one thing I know- when I am around people from The Fellowship Community, I am challenged and inspired to be creative, to think harder, to pray more deeply, to trust more.

Welcome Rev. Harvey Drake Jr. as a 2018 National Gathering Speaker

The Fellowship Community is excited to announce Rev. Harvey Drake Jr. will be joining us at the 2018 National Gathering in Atlanta, Ga. this February!

The Resurrection Power in You

You have resurrection power loose in you.  That same eternal summons that raised our Teacher from a tired tomb is these days still on the move both within and without — “strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.”