Author: Fellowship Team

People Are Not Things: Consumerism in Relationships

People Are Not Things: Consumerism in Relationships

Join us at our National Gathering, August 18-20th in Dallas, Texas as we talk about what it means to help our congregations move from the mindset of consumerism into a life of community. Register today at Families are notorious consumers. My fridge is empty more than it’s full. In our house the endless cycle…
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The Mesmerizing Rhythm: A Reflection on Mark Labberton’s Address for GA…and for Today

A Reflection on Mark Labberton’s Address for GA…and for Today

Join Nicole and many others as we come together for our National Gathering, August 18-20, 2014 in Dallas, Texas where our focus will be helping us shift From Consumerism to Community. REGISTER TODAY. I recently returned home from my first General Assembly, where I had the joy of serving as part of the PFR and…
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Well Pastor John… What are you going to do now???

Well Pastor John… What are you going to do now???

Well Pastor John, in light of the actions of General Assembly, what are you going to do now? I’m sad at the divisiveness of the Church. Scripture speaks against a “party spirit” (2 Corinthians 12), the fracturing of the Body of Christ into divisions and groups. The Greek word for this is “heresy.” The fractured…
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…So Let the Church Consume…

We’re preparing for our National Conference in Dallas, Texas, August 18-20th and focusing on our theme: From Consumerism to Community. Our upcoming blogs (including the one below from Junior McGarrahan) will be helping us think more deeply about community in the Body of Christ. Join us in August and register TODAY. By Eunice McGarrahan –…
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