Author: Fellowship Team

Koinonia x 2

  PAUL DETTERMAN Welcome to a new blog at the start of a new movement – the Fellowship Community. A friend joked with me that we would never be able to translate “fellowship community” into Greek because it would be “Koinonia Koinonia” (or K2). The more I thought about it, the more I realized that’s…
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Join Us For The 2014 National Gathering

2014 National Gathering: From Consumerism to Community August 18-20, 2014 Dallas, TX What does it look like to go from Consumerism to Community? Watch this video to see what the Gathering is all about.

Building Connections With One Another

Regional gatherings in San Antonio (Feb. 7-8) and Los Angeles (Feb. 22) brought Fellowship members and those exploring the Fellowship together for worship, teaching, prayer, networking, and a whole lot of joy! At First Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX, we began with festival worship on Friday night in the historic sanctuary. Led by the FPC…
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