Author: Fellowship Team

Orlando Live!

The volunteers are here, the folders are stuffed, and registration just opened . . .  the Covenanting Conference in Orlando has begun! Join us in prayer that we will follow the Spirit’s leading as we worship, discuss, and learn together. While we will largely focus on details, we still aim to keep the mission the…
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Orlando Conference Schedule

The full schedule for the Orlando Covenanting Conference (January 18-20) has been finalized. The Orlando Conference schedule, with the speakers and their topics as well as break-out sessions, is available here.  In addition to six main stage speakers, there will be 18 breakout sessions on a wide range of topics including “God’s Design for Human…
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Orlando Registration Closes Monday Night

We are excited about the more than 2,100 people who have registered to attend the Covenanting Conference in Orlando, FL, January 18-20. In addition, several hundred  will attend the pre-conference gathering designed for those under age 45. Please note that registration closes Monday, January 9 at 11:59PM (midnight).

Polity & Theology Feedback

We have heard from hundreds of people who have offered thoughtful feedback, edits, and suggestions on the working drafts of the Polity and Theology documents that we made available last month. We are grateful for the investment of time and spirit of partnership offered from brothers and sisters around the country. Friday, January 6 is…
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