Author: Fellowship Team

A First-Hand Account . . .

These are observations shared by Gayle Parker, Pastor of The Spring in Tempe, AZ, based on her experience at a recent Fellowship planning meeting. As a member of the Advisory Group for the Fellowship, I was one of the people who attended the planning meeting in June. Here is what I observed:

Update on Fellowship Goals and Next Steps

It has been almost two months since our last letter (May 4), and in that time significant change in our denominational reality has come with the passage of Amendment 10-A and ratification of the new Form of Government. Neither of these changes affects the vision or the intent of the Fellowship, but the passage of…
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Registration Update for the August Gathering

As of June 24, we have reached our initial registration capacity for the main ballroom, 1,100 seat maximum. We have made arrangements for an additional 350 spaces in an adjacent room that will have both a live feed of all the presentations and full opportunity for group interaction, conversation, and feedback. Once those 350 seats…
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Press Release Posted

A press release has been posted regarding the Fellowship hiring an Administrative Consultant. Read it here.