

I think I need bigger dreams. It was reinforced in a coffee shop recently.  The guy in line in front of me said to the cashier, “How’re you doing?”  The answer, which you’ve heard before, was, “Oh, you know. Livin’ the dream.”  Complete with eye roll. Any time I hear someone say they are “livin’…
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October Prayer

Heavenly Father, Reformation Sunday beckons us to remember that you are our Sovereign Lord. As much as we like to tell ourselves that we are in control of our lives, all too many events remind us that we can trust in you alone. Moreover, as the election approaches, we are sorely tempted to look to…
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목회 동역자들에게 드리는 글, 22권

목회 동역자들에게 드리는 글, 22권 2022년 10월 4일                    댄 바움가트너   목사가 되는 것은 쉬운 일이 아닙니다. 모든 사람들이 그렇게 이야기합니다. 신문에 나는 칼럼도 그렇게 쓰고 있습니다. 모든 통계가 그 사실을 뒷받침합니다. 정확하게 말한다면, 이번 팬데믹 기간동안에 고조된 고립과 따르는 정치적 신랄한 장면은 모든 사람-학생, 부모, 선생, 의료기관 직원, 물론 목사도 힘든 시간을 보내고 있습니다.…
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A Hard Time to Be a Pastor

It’s a hard time to be a pastor. Everybody says it. Newspapers run columns about it. Every survey reflects it. To be fair, this pandemic time with its heightened isolation and the accompanying vitriolic political scene has been a hard time for everybody–students, parents, teachers, medical staff, and sure, yes…pastors too. Navigating zoom meetings, adding…
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