
Life in Fellowship – Mark Perry

In this month’s episode of Life in Fellowship, TFC Board Chair Mike McClenahan talks with Board member Mark Perry, commissioned ruling elder serving at First Presbyterian Church of Peru, Indiana, about our value of Leadership Velocity. Watch the conversation on YouTube:

Living into Our Calling

“I’m feeling lost. I felt so sure about my calling to be a pastor, but right now I’m uncertain.  I’m busy, maybe too busy, doing tasks but it’s not what I imagined doing as a pastor.”  I’ve overlaid five different comments from five different pastor friends to come up with the above quote. All of…
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목회 동역자들에게 드리는 글

2021년 7월 7일 댄 바움가트너               “무언가 잘못된 것 같아요. 내가 목사로 부르심을 받은 것은 확실했었지만 지금은 불확실합니다. 저는 목사로서 하지 않을 일을 바쁘게, 아니 너무 바쁘게 하고 있습니다.” 이 말은 다섯 명 친구목사들의 각각 반응을 취합하여 만든 말입니다. 그들 모두가 코비드로 인한 고립과 격리, 마스크 착용, 그리고 가상 모임에서 벗어 나오려고 노력하는 같은…
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August Prayer

Father, as we continue to struggle to find our way through the difficulties of this pandemic amid all the other complications and difficulties of life we ask that you make us always remember your generosity and that nothing is more important than faithfully doing your will. Guide us as we anticipate sending our children back…
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