
Life in Fellowship – Jim Witherow

In this month’s episode of Life in Fellowship, TFC Board Chair Mike McClenahan talks with Jim Witherow, TFC Board treasurer, about accountable community and his experience with his Mission Affinity Group (MAG) in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Watch the conversation on YouTube:

Come to my help, O God

A Word to Friends in Ministry                                               April 30, 2021 revTFC Dan Baumgartner     Come to my help, O God; Lord, hurry to my rescue.  Those words drifted up into the sky with a hushed holiness, almost a reverence.  The Session of our small church in Santa Rosa, CA was holding its monthly…
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목회자 동료분께 드리는 글

목회자 동료분께 드리는 글                                                                                                             2021년 4월 30일                                                                                                             댄 바움가트너   하나님이여 나를 건지소서 여호와여 속히 나를 도우소서. 이 말씀은 거의 경외에 가까운 조용한 거룩함으로 하늘에 표류하고 있었습니다. 캘리포니아 산타로사에 있는 작은 교회 당회는 코비드 예방으로 인해서 한 장로님 가정의 후원에서 정기모임을 갖고 있었습니다. 8명의 당회원은 화로를 중심으로 간격을 두고 둘러 앉았습니다. 당회를…
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SO GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR OUR MAG by Rich McDermott, recently retired from FPC of Arlington, Texas.   When I arrived in Arlington, Texas six years ago in the spring of 2015, I knew very few people in my congregation and few pastors in our large presbytery.  I had never lived or worked in Texas.  As…
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