
April prayer

God of grace and love, we have entered this Easter season with great anticipation of the wonderful gift of freedom that is ours through the Death and glorious Resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ—even freedom from sin and death itself.   We pray for ourselves and so many held captive by the sinfulness…
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4월의 기도

사랑과 은혜의 하나님, 우리는 주 예수 그리스도의 죽음과 영광스러운 부활을 통하여 주어진 놀라운 자유의 선물, 심지어 죄와 사망에서 벗어나는 자유를 기대하며 부활절 절기를 맞이하였습니다. 우리 자신과 창조된 대로 살지 못 하고 죄가운데 빠져 있는 많은 영혼들을 위해 기도합니다. 우리는 용서하는 자유를 위해 기도합니다. 우리의 죄를 용서하시고, 다른 사람들을 상하게 한 것과 우리가 바쁘다는 핑계와 우리…
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Life in Fellowship – Donna Marsh

Take a listen to Life in Fellowship as Pastors Mike McClenahan and Donna Marsh discuss Donna’s call to ministry, the work that she does at National Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC, and the future of the Fellowship Community. Watch the conversation on YouTube:

Character Matters

by Dan Baumgartner Just so you won’t have to wonder as you read this first paragraph, I’m 62 years old. Barely. Okay, with that out of the way…John Stott is gone. Dallas Willard is gone. Eugene Peterson is gone. Some of the main people I have read, quoted, learned from, and admired over the years…
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