
School’s Out

By Travis Fletcher – I’d like to try to connect something which is often benign at best (a presbytery meeting) with a vision for something that gets me excited: mission. Several years ago in a little town in southwest Colorado, I was sitting in a presbytery meeting at a local church. The church was located…
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Following Jesus Right Where We Are

Paul Detterman, National Director – Two weeks ago I looked across the aging sanctuary of what was once the second largest church in our denomination. Now it has an expressway in the front yard and a significantly smaller congregation spread across 31 zip codes. But the story of First Presbyterian Church San Diego has nothing…
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“A Time to Keep Silent and a Time to Speak”

by Paul Detterman, National Director – “There is a reason God gave us two ears and only one mouth…”   Much in the flurry of mainstream and social media over the past several days proves the enduring wisdom of that old saying, and of the truth of its biblical counterpart, “There is a time to keep…
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A Clear Sign Pointing Ahead…

A Clear Sign Pointing Ahead…

My friend recently told me about a writing assignment given to his 6th grade daughter. She was asked to write an essay based on a before & after story from her life. She thought and thought, wrote and erased, and thought some more. He asked her what was giving her so much difficulty. She answered,…
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