
Michael Homan - Faith and Work

Michael Homan – Faith and Work

In this short video from the 2014 Gathering, Michael Homan introduces Katherine Alsdorf and her talk “The Church Scattered: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work.” And asks what does it look like for a community shaped in reformed theology to be the church not only gathered but scattered into the work?  

Kevin Ford - Created for Community

Kevin Ford – Created for Community

“Creative in Community” What are the five key elements in creating biblical community? Most church leaders have a general understanding of community, but few understand how the church, in a desire to be effective, has actually inoculated itself against community. The “solution has become the problem” for many North American congregations. Discover the “secret sauce”…
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Alan Hirsch – Community in Christ

“Shaped by Challenge” True community is steeped in mission, not comfort. When our churches seek the comfort of community first, we end up not taking risks. But when we make mission primary, we ultimately gain far deeper community by banding together through the bumps and challenges of staying on-mission. Alan Hirsch speaks at the 2014…
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Bryan Dunagan 2014 National Gathering

Bryan Dunagan- Community Commissioned and Sent

“Moving Toward the Mess” If the “business” of ministry was all we had to worry about, life would be much simpler. Gospel ministry always involves people who are in real need; however, the call to gospel ministry will take us places we never dreamed we would go. The Triune God goes with us: Father, Son,…
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