
The Process of Joining ECO

As we move into the final months of 2012, PC(USA) presbyteries are meeting and more pastors and congregations are being dismissed into ECO.  Checkout the ECO page to see the names of congregations and individuals as they complete the process. A question that is often asked is, “When should we fill out applications to join…
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Are We Flirting with “Congregationalism”?

The label “congregationalist” is being tossed around somewhat indiscriminately these days in our Presbyterian circles, especially by those who are critical of recent moves by PC(USA) evangelicals. We need to be clearer about what we mean—or ought to mean—when we use that term. It is a useful label for describing a specific view of church…
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ECO Welcomes Its Newest Covenant Partner Churches

13 congregations were officially dismissed to join ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians over this past weekend. “We extend the warmest of welcomes to all the congregations who joined ECO this weekend,” stated ECO President, Rev. Dr. Dana Allin. “We look forward to the partnership of these founding congregations to shine the beacon for…
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ECO Announcement

ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians announced today that Reverend Dr. Dana Allin, Senior Pastor of Indian River Presbyterian Church, will assume the role of President of ECO, on June 16, 2012. Allin will replace Reverend Dr. John Crosby, Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Edina, Minnesota as President. “For the last year,…
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