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Newly Available HD Version of John Ortberg’s Talk

John Ortberg’s video has been viewed over 8,000 times since the Orlando Covenanting Conference! The following video of John Ortberg is the newly available HD version of the same talk. Watch here or download from Vimeo to record to a DVD. Also included below is Jerry Andrews and Laura Smit’s presentation on The Theology Project.…
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Newly Available HD Version of John Ortberg's Talk

John Ortberg’s video has been viewed over 8,000 times since the Orlando Covenanting Conference! The following video of John Ortberg is the newly available HD version of the same talk. Watch here or download from Vimeo to record to a DVD. Also included below is Jerry Andrews and Laura Smit’s presentation on The Theology Project.…
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News from Jim Singleton

Dear Friends in The Fellowship of Presbyterians, In the second week after representatives from 765 congregations attended the Covenanting Conference in Orlando, there is momentum, joyful expectation, and much work to do.