Category: Community

Thoughtful Theology

Thoughtful Theology

The Fellowship Community continues our blog series on our Core Values. Brenda Norton reminded us of our Jesus Shaped Identity and last week Jim Singleton shared about Biblical Integrity. Today, Jerry Andrews talks to us about Thoughtful Theology and its importance in the Fellowship’s conversations. Today he addresses this value: “We believe in theological education,…
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Biblical Integrity

Biblical Integrity

As the Fellowship Community prepares to officially launch in January of 2015, we are visiting the Core Values that we were birthed from.  A few weeks ago, Brenda Norton got us started with “Jesus Shaped Identity.”  This week, Jim Singleton focuses us on our next value of “Biblical Integrity.”  Stay tuned for Jerry Andrew’s blog…
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No Silver Bullets

No Silver Bullets

In stressful times, everyone wishes for a silver bullet: one simple way out of a difficult mess, one thing to do to resolve interlocking problems. Every parent of a troubled teen searches desperately for one mentor or one school that will get the beloved child back on track. In troubled marriages, the couple often searches…
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Confessions of a Church Leader Under Conviction

Confessions of a Church Leader Under Conviction

One of the highlights of summer vacation is the opportunity to experience the body of Christ at worship; I’m always energized by the sense that I’m part of the family, even though I don’t know a soul.   I shared this experience with my parents one Sunday on a recent family vacation. We arrived 20 minutes…
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