Category: Community

Jesus-shaped Identity

Jesus-shaped Identity

We believe Jesus Christ must be at the center of our lives and making disciples of Jesus at the core of our ministry. …yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom…
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Spiritual Xanax for My Soul

Spiritual Xanax for My Soul

Join Michael Homan, Katherine Alsdorf and the Fellowship Community at our National Gathering, August 18-20th in Dallas, Texas. It’s not too late to register! Go to for more information and to register for the conference. Space is filling up fast! “This stuff is like spiritual Xanax for my soul.” This was the last line…
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The JFK Question

The JFK Question

by Jeff J. Meyers Our New Members class at North Avenue Presbyterian Church has always presented a bit of a challenge to our staff. How do we turn church shoppers – folks who have been going from church to church comparing the quality of children’s programs, rating the pastor’s preaching style, evaluating the ease of…
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The Gospel’s CTL+ALT+Delete

The Gospel’s CTL+ALT+Delete

The Rev. Dr. Neal Presa opened the 221st General Assembly with a sermon on Luke 24:28-51 and Romans 15:1-6 titled “Pilgrims’ Pitstops: The Gospel’s CTL+ALT+Delete.” We have included the text of Dr. Presa’s sermon below as a downloadable pdf. He encourages us to take the time to have the gospel story re-energize our lives. The…
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