Category: Community

The Quality of Our Relationships

“The time has come,” Jesus said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15 “Hey cutie, come over here!” I turned quickly to see who in the crowd said this and to whom. So did the eight fifteen year olds who were with me. The culprit was a…
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What is REAL Community? Living Life Together is Messy

What is REAL Community? Living Life Together is Messy

COMMUNITY IN VARIOUS PLACES I have heard the word ‘community’ my entire life. And when I hear the word, it conjures up all sorts of images in my mind. I think of community in terms of the place that I live and the people that live alongside me – the people who my family interacts…
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Koinonia x 2

  PAUL DETTERMAN Welcome to a new blog at the start of a new movement – the Fellowship Community. A friend joked with me that we would never be able to translate “fellowship community” into Greek because it would be “Koinonia Koinonia” (or K2). The more I thought about it, the more I realized that’s…
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