Category: Community


I know that you know that scripture often uses repetition to emphasize something important. If the same word or phrase appears several times in a row…pay attention. It turns out the same thing is true in life. If something keeps coming up repeatedly, I’ve learned to pay attention. It may be a coincidence. Or not.…
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Quiet Amongst Chaos

I was in Plano (Dallas area), Texas last week for The Fellowship Community’s National Gathering. The first morning there I went out for an early run, using exercise as a way to get to know the area. I found a route from the hotel to Grace Presbyterian Church, which was hosting our event. Ducking off…
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April 2023 Prayer

Gracious and Loving Lord, thank you for the gift of TFC and all the powerful ways you continue to use us as your ambassadors for Jesus. May we continue to be faithful to your call on our lives, to live joyfully in your presence, and to be generous with your grace. Fill us with your…
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계속 머물기

목회 동역자들께 드리는 글, 28권 2023년 4월 4일           단 바움가트너              계속 머물기 미네아폴리스에서 목회를 시작하고, 제 고향 시애틀에서, 그리고 거의 10년을 켈리포니아 헐리우드에서 그리고 지금은 캘리포니아 산타 로사에서 살고 있습니다. 샌프란시스코에서 북쪽으로 45분 거리에 있는 잘 알려지지 (최소한 저에게는 2019년까지) 북가주에 있습니다. 우리는 제가 본 중에 가장 많은 포도밭과 아무도 세어보지도 않는 425개의…
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