Category: Fellowship Community

작은 교회, 큰 사명

작은 교회, 큰 사명   의사당 폭력사태와 마가렛 키벤목사님의 용감한 국회 목회사역 후에 노스케로라이나 윈스톤 살렘에 위치한 우리 로이드장로교회는 성령님의 인도하심에 따라 대통령 취임 전야인 2021년 1월 19일에 공개적인 기도모임을 가졌습니다.   우리는 지역에 있는 기도의 용사들과 지역언론사들을 초청하여, 다운타운에 위치한  우리 퓨리티 루추고장로님이 소유한 다운타운에 위치한 우모자라는 가게에 모였습니다. ‘우모자’라는 말의 뜻은 스와힐리어로 ‘하나됨’이라는…
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Merry Christmas from The Fellowship Community!

Merry Christmas from The Fellowship Community!

This year of change and uncertainty has led The Fellowship Community to have conversations with our members and churches and to re-engage our mission and strategy. While we look forward to an in-person National Gathering and other conferences in the near future, we want to stay connected with all of you. So here’s our two-part…
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The Importance of Friends in Christ: The 2018 Pastor’s Gathering

The Fellowship Community holds dear as one its core values the desire, indeed need, for friendships in Christ. Toward that end we host, and invite all, to an annual Pastor’s Gathering.

The Value of the Pastoral Rule

A Pastoral Rule reflects on practices that make for faithful ministry. It is aware of the challenges ministry brings. It is written in the knowledge that no rule is perfect, and the conviction that a guide to good practices can be a real help as we seek faithfully to serve Jesus Christ and his people.