Category: Fellowship Community

Richard Burnett, “Who Needs Confessions of Faith?”

“Why do we have confessions of faith?” That’s the starting-point for Richard Burnett’s exploration of the importance and power of confessions of faith for our life together.

The Importance of the Creeds and Catholicity

Professor Vanhoozer discusses the importance of our affirmation of the authority of Scripture and the trickiness of the priesthood of all believers.

Company of the Gospel: The Importance of Being Biblical for Christ’s Sake

What are we doing when we gather for worship?

The Church as Creature of the Word

When we affirm our faith we affirm that we believe in “the holy catholic church” (when we affirm the Apostles’ Creed), or “one holy catholic and apostolic Church” (when we affirm the Nicene Creed). . .