Category: Fellowship Community

Making Missional Disciples . . . Sounds Great! But What Do We Mean?

Making Missional Disciples . . . Sounds Great! But What Do We Mean?

By Mark D. Roberts – When I first heard the theme of The Fellowship Community’s 2017 National Gathering – “Deep and Wide: Making Missional Disciples” – I said to myself, “Excellent. Just what we need. Right on.”

Finding Buried Treasure That Will Transform Our Lives, Our Churches, and Our World

By Mark D. Roberts – When I was a boy, I yearned to find buried treasure. I knew from familiar tales of pirates that gold coins and rare jewels were buried all over the place.

Deep and Wide: Making Missional Disciples

By Alex Absalom – What is success for your church? I once asked this of an old-school church leader, who promptly spluttered and spat a mouthful of tea back into his cup and saucer.

2017 National Gathering

Join us for our 2017 National Gathering as we explore how we as church leaders and congregations form Jesus followers who live as God’s people sent into the world.