Category: News

Dana Allin Named ECO Synod Exec

On behalf of the combined boards of ECO and the Fellowship of Presbyterians I am thrilled to announce Dana Allin has accepted the call to be the first Synod Executive of ECO. The Synod is the highest body in ECO because, in our global Presbyterian and Reformed context, ECO believes itself to be an integral…
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The ECO Ordination Process

We are frequently asked, “How can I get ordained in ECO?” The question is being asked by those who are already ordained, by those who are in the ordination process in another denomination, and especially by those who are now in their first considerations of a call to ministry. We now can answer that question! The…
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An Open Letter to Mid Council Leaders in Southern CA and HI

By M. J. Romano, Moderator, ECO Presbytery of the West Executive Presbyters Stated Clerks Presbyteries of the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Dear Colleagues, I am writing in response to the recent decision of the Permanent Judicial Commission of the Synod of Southern California and Hawaii in the case of the…
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"Essentials" and "Covenants:" Learning a New Way of Life

by Jim Singleton, President of The Fellowship of Presbyterians A persistent question for both PC(USA) and ECO congregations in The Fellowship of Presbyterians is our relationship to the Essential Tenets document – the centerpiece of The Fellowship’s Theology Project. Many of us believe the problems with which Presbyterians now struggle have developed as a result…
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