Tag: Christianity

Merry Christmas

I’m pretty sure it was Stephen Covey, back in the day (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People) who originally said, “The main thing is to let the main thing be the main thing.”  Indeed. So there I was last week, waiting for a friend to join me at the Bad Ass Coffee shop–there are…
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Just a Reminder

I wonder how you feel about Lent right now. We’re about 3/4 of the way through this season leading towards Easter. Holy Week is approaching. For some of us, Lent doesn’t mean much beyond a mention or two in worship on a Sunday morning. But others are practicing various disciplines, reflection or confession, and that…
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Ready for the Incarnation

We went to New York City last week.  We usually journey there the first week of December. Two of our three adult kids and spouses are there, as well as a running race in Central Park, museums, great food, bookstores and…well, New York at Christmas. We love it. One of my required stops is always…
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I think I need bigger dreams. It was reinforced in a coffee shop recently.  The guy in line in front of me said to the cashier, “How’re you doing?”  The answer, which you’ve heard before, was, “Oh, you know. Livin’ the dream.”  Complete with eye roll. Any time I hear someone say they are “livin’…
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