Tag: church


It’s a fresh, new year. 2023.  I love New Year’s. I love new starts, beginnings, hitting reset, starting with a clean slate and all those other cliches that apply. Love it. AND..I feel like I’m spinning my wheels right now in ministry. It’s not the first time this has happened in these 25+ years. I’m…
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Ready for the Incarnation

We went to New York City last week.  We usually journey there the first week of December. Two of our three adult kids and spouses are there, as well as a running race in Central Park, museums, great food, bookstores and…well, New York at Christmas. We love it. One of my required stops is always…
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I think I need bigger dreams. It was reinforced in a coffee shop recently.  The guy in line in front of me said to the cashier, “How’re you doing?”  The answer, which you’ve heard before, was, “Oh, you know. Livin’ the dream.”  Complete with eye roll. Any time I hear someone say they are “livin’…
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Cacophony is defined as “a harsh discordant mixture of sounds.” I’m embarrassed to say that my initial introduction to the word was from early Monday Night Football personality Howard Cosell in describing the loud sound of a game-night crowd. Cacophony.  It’s probably a good descriptor for our world today, don’t you think?  Good Lord. Acrimony…
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