Tag: church

What’s prayer all about?

                What’s a pastor good for, anyway?  When all else fails, when sermons bomb and creativity falters and pandemics hinder worship and patience with people wanes…we pray.  This is possibly our very highest calling, but it still begs the follow-up question: what is prayer all about? Whatever Reformed,…
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Life in Fellowship – Donna Marsh

Take a listen to Life in Fellowship as Pastors Mike McClenahan and Donna Marsh discuss Donna’s call to ministry, the work that she does at National Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC, and the future of the Fellowship Community. Watch the conversation on YouTube:

Character Matters

by Dan Baumgartner Just so you won’t have to wonder as you read this first paragraph, I’m 62 years old. Barely. Okay, with that out of the way…John Stott is gone. Dallas Willard is gone. Eugene Peterson is gone. Some of the main people I have read, quoted, learned from, and admired over the years…
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The Power of Story

Think back to the most powerful sermon or sermons you’ve ever listened to. What is it that you remember from them? Most likely, it was a story that illustrated a theological concept, or perhaps it was an analogy that captured your attention and brought the sermon to life in significant ways. For me, there was…
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