Tag: incarnation

Merry Christmas

I’m pretty sure it was Stephen Covey, back in the day (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People) who originally said, “The main thing is to let the main thing be the main thing.”  Indeed. So there I was last week, waiting for a friend to join me at the Bad Ass Coffee shop–there are…
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A Holy Mess

Just before Advent, I finished a sermon series on King David. It wasn’t long, just eight sermons, but for those two months I lived and breathed David. After I finished the final sermon, a friend asked “So, what did you take away from the David story for yourself, your own life?”  My unfiltered answer was…
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Ready for the Incarnation

We went to New York City last week.  We usually journey there the first week of December. Two of our three adult kids and spouses are there, as well as a running race in Central Park, museums, great food, bookstores and…well, New York at Christmas. We love it. One of my required stops is always…
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