Tag: ministry


I know that you know that scripture often uses repetition to emphasize something important. If the same word or phrase appears several times in a row…pay attention. It turns out the same thing is true in life. If something keeps coming up repeatedly, I’ve learned to pay attention. It may be a coincidence. Or not.…
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Quiet Amongst Chaos

I was in Plano (Dallas area), Texas last week for The Fellowship Community’s National Gathering. The first morning there I went out for an early run, using exercise as a way to get to know the area. I found a route from the hotel to Grace Presbyterian Church, which was hosting our event. Ducking off…
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Staying Connected

After ministry adventures in Minneapolis, my hometown of Seattle, and nearly a decade in Hollywood, CA, we now live in Santa Rosa, CA. That’s Northern California for the unknowing (as I was until 2019), about 45 minutes north of San Francisco. We are in Sonoma County, home of the most vineyards I’ve ever seen–425 different…
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Life Together

I’m 64 years old, I’ve been in full-time ministry for nearly 27 years and you’d think I would remember important things I’ve learned along the way.  But sometimes, especially in the wake of the Covid years, I have things to RE-learn. One of them is simply the importance of shared experiences. It’s come up several…
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