Tag: pastor

Big Church

Anne and I recently returned from a 2-month sabbatical. It was the third one I’ve had since being ordained, and in a word it was–epic. We ran and rested, biked and hiked and toured. I read and wrote extensively while Anne (a studio artist) sketched and painted. We spent time with our family and close…
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Learning What You Already Know

The Jewish Sabbath prayer says: “Days pass and the years vanish, and we walk sightless among miracles. Lord, fill our eyes with seeing and our minds with knowing; let there be moments when Your Presence, like lightning, illumines the darkness in which we walk.” I don’t know about you, but the older I get, the…
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I know that you know that scripture often uses repetition to emphasize something important. If the same word or phrase appears several times in a row…pay attention. It turns out the same thing is true in life. If something keeps coming up repeatedly, I’ve learned to pay attention. It may be a coincidence. Or not.…
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Staying Connected

After ministry adventures in Minneapolis, my hometown of Seattle, and nearly a decade in Hollywood, CA, we now live in Santa Rosa, CA. That’s Northern California for the unknowing (as I was until 2019), about 45 minutes north of San Francisco. We are in Sonoma County, home of the most vineyards I’ve ever seen–425 different…
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