A Prayer for the New Year
by Tracey Davenport
Everlasting God, we mark the beginning of a new year, a longed-for fresh start after a year of disease, death, and division. This year is full of fresh possibilities because you are faithful and because you have come in Christ Jesus to bring us life and light, joy and peace, love and grace.
Is this the year I share my faith with the neighbor across the street?
Is this the year I stand in solidarity with my friends of color?
Is this the year I learn that to obey is better than sacrifice?
Is this the year I lean on you more and myself less?
Is this the year I am more a part of your justice and mercy in our community, nation, and world?
Maybe 2021 will find me reaching across lines of political party, race, socioeconomic class, denomination and nationality.
Maybe 2021 will bring the healing I need to forgive myself and others.
Maybe in 2021 masks will be replaced by smiles and elbow bumps with long hugs.
Maybe in 2021 I will hoard more Scripture in my heart and less toilet paper in my garage.
If all the above is a dream, Lord, it is your dream for us. Pour out your Spirit upon us to give us the courage and compassion we need to bring it to pass. We ask because of Jesus, your Word Made Flesh. Amen.
Rev. Dr. Tracey Davenport is the senior pastor and head of staff at Grace Presbyterian Church in Plano TX and serves as a member of The Fellowship Community board.