Encouragement in Life & Ministry
A Community of Evangelical Presbyterian Leaders
Like-Minded Leaders
Shared Resources
Leadership on a Mission

You shouldn’t be isolated from supportive relationships.
Too many church leaders like you don’t have like-minded friends in ministry.
Maybe you are facing decline and disruption with no one to turn to.
Perhaps you are feeling increasingly isolated from your more progressive denomination, but you don’t love the idea of leaving.
Imagine how different your life would be if you had colleagues and friends who could encourage you in ministry?
"I felt grafted in and affirmed"
Jaci S.P.
“Our church didn’t know how much courage and love we’d experience as part of The Fellowship until we deeply needed it.”
Rebecca R.

Our shared values bind us together in community.
Get involved with other evangelical leaders for the journey ahead.
We demonstrate the Kingdom of God and invite our neighbors and the nations to follow Jesus.
We don't know what will come our way in the future of ministry, but we know we can persevere faithfully as we stand together in friendship.
We are reclaiming evangelical because we believe the good news of Jesus makes a difference in our lives and compels us to share that good news with others.
Strengthening Churches, Supporting Pastors
We believe that evangelical leaders in the PCUSA need more support from one another. Many of our leaders are trying to lead discipleship and mission in their congregations, but are exhausted. Some face a daily battle against declining finances and attendance.
While the denomination’s theology grows more progressive, these leaders are feeling more alone than ever.
We started The Fellowship Community in 2011 to be a gathering of leaders who are encouraging one another in ministry. When it comes to tough leadership decisions, we have each other's backs. When we feel like giving up or giving in, we spur each other on.
We do this through our annual national gatherings, our regional gatherings throughout the year, and our ongoing resources that we share with one another. If you are tired of doing ministry alone, feeling undercut and second guessed, get involved with The Fellowship Community today so you can get the encouragement you need to be vibrant in ministry.
Fellowship Community President, Mike McClenahan
Leaders Connected
Regional Hubs
Attendees to the National Gathering
How to Get Involved with The Fellowship Community
There are a variety of ways to get involved with The Fellowship Community, from large group conferences, to mid-sized gatherings, to intimate groups and even self-guided resources. Explore all the different ways to get involved with The Fellowship Community so you can get the encouragement you need for vibrant ministry.
Register for the National Gathering
Every year, The Fellowship Community comes together in person to celebrate what God has been doing in our churches and to build the kind of strong relationships with one another that sustain us in life and ministry.
RSVP for a Regional Gathering
At regional gatherings, church leaders meet regularly throughout the year to share stories, offer insights, and pray for each other in ministry.
Connect with a Mission Affinity Group
Mission Affinity Groups are small groups of leaders whose churches are alike in terms of context and size. More intimate than a regional gathering, these leaders get to know each other and journey with each other on a deeper level.
Engage Our Resources
Whether you need an inspiring blog post or devotional, denominational guides, a video course, or core TFC documents, we offer an array of resources to encourage and support you in ministry.
"Through TFC, God reminded me that I'm not alone, that I don't need to be overly anxious, and that He is in control."
Tom H.
"Because of TFC, my fears and anxieties about broken and divided factions of the church were calmed."
Rachael M.
“Through TFC, God has given me great rest and also called me out of the hard-heartedness that I was experiencing in regards to my relationship with the denomination."
George E.
What do you mean by “Evangelical”?
For decades, the easiest self-identifier for many people within The Fellowship Community has been one word–evangelical. It references a world-wide, interdenominational movement of people trying to follow Jesus. In recent years, though, the word has been increasingly co-opted for political purposes, creating confusion inside and outside the Church.
However, it has not lost its value in providing a concise description. So when we say evangelical, we don’t mean a political voting bloc. We mean we are people who share these historic beliefs:
The centrality of the cross of Jesus Christ, who makes a personal relationship with God possible.
A strong mandate for sharing the good news and inviting others into such a relationship.
A high view of scripture and scriptural authority.
A strong concern for living out the gospel by actively serving people in need.
You’re One Phone Call Away from Lifelong Encouragement in Ministry
You don’t have to settle for isolation in leadership. Getting involved with The Fellowship Community starts with an introductory call. We’ll learn about your ministry context, discern with you whether TFC would be a good fit, and help you get connected to a community that will encourage you in ministry.
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