A Word from Ray - December

As we prepare to transition from Advent, our season of waiting turns to a season of wonder, a season of magnificent hope and expectation, walking in awe of the miraculous that we ourselves have been able to see and behold. We welcome the new year and with it, yet another reminder of God’s steady faithfulness for and unto each of us. Thank you, Lord!

My Fellowship experiences over the past few weeks have been filled with volleys to and from, passing names of speakers, ideas for workshops, bands and themes.  Each of these conversations have carried the same foundation, regardless of whom they were with…let’s continue to create meaningful opportunities to be challenged, equipped, and encouraged all while being surrounded by women and men who have grown deeply connected through our shared faith and experiences. What a gift it is to be entrusted with such an awesome opportunity as to help plan our National Gathering.  (As a side note, I sure hope that you will join us this year, and while we are there, each of you who have been encouraged by my work with the Fellowship, please take a moment to let me know.). While my focus has been on the NG, it has not solely been there.  This month I have had a handful of conversations with Pastors and Elders who are exploring what it looks like to make a deeper commitment to the Fellowship.  What would formerly have been a “membership” conversation has now moved to an invested partnership conversation.  These ecclesial leaders recognize the value of being together with the Fellowship and are seeking as deep of a connection as possible.  What a joy to be in these “rooms”.

Thank you for another successful year around the sun.  Thank you for enhancing the ministries that I am a part of in Philadelphia through your collegial support and literally by “showing up.”  A special shout out to Timothy Scoonover and Debbie Watson, each of whom are virtually preaching at my church this winter.  What a blessing it is that my congregation will meet their second and third Fellowship preachers (Dan Baumgartner preached previously)!  What a gift it is and for which I am so thankful!  TFC, I can not wait to see what wonderous gifts the Lord has for us in the new year, together!  See you after the New Year, in person, zooming, and Lord willing at the National Gathering.

Pastor Ray Garcia

Ray Garcia is pastor of Roxborough Church in Philadelphia, PA and serves as The Fellowship Community’s Coordinator for Connections and Recruitment.



