Investing in Missional Leaders

LOUISVILLE, KY  Leaders of the Fellowship of Presbyterians celebrate with The Reverend Dr. Jim Singleton his pending appointment to the faculty of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary beginning with the 2012-2013 academic year.

Dr. Singleton, who will continue as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church until July 2012, is personally energized by the opportunity to be teaching courses in practical ministry and evangelism.  Although his departure from First Presbyterian is difficult, it is also the fulfillment of a call placed on his heart by God over 20 years ago when he left his first pastorate in San Antonio for graduate school.  Since then Jim has served congregations in Spokane and Austin before coming to Colorado Springs in 2005.

This move is also very good news for the Fellowship of Presbyterians.  The first priority of the Fellowship is nurturing missional ways of being the Church, including the training of new generations of leaders and the continuing nurture of those who are already in congregational leadership.   In the intervening months before Jim begins at Gordon Conwell, the session of First Presbyterian is allowing him to invest more significant time into crafting the identity of the Fellowship, and defining the nature and design of the proposed new Reformed body.

Work on the polity and the theology necessary for these projects is already well underway as the Fellowship prepares for the next national Gathering, January 18-20 in Orlando, FL.


The Fellowship: An Association or a Denomination?


1789 Pastoral Letter from the General Assembly (quoted in Jim Singleton's August 25 talk)