October Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Reformation Sunday beckons us to remember that you are our Sovereign Lord. As much as we like to tell ourselves that we are in control of our lives, all too many events remind us that we can trust in you alone. Moreover, as the election approaches, we are sorely tempted to look to worldly leaders to provide worldly solutions to eternal problems. The barrage of empty campaign promises emphasizes the importance of serving a King whose promises are sure.
As our culture gets sucked in to the “us vs. them” mindset of the political season, help us to remember that even our mortal political enemies are your beloved children made in the image of God. In your mercy, form us into the peacemakers that our world so desperately needs, and let us see the light of Christ in others as you enable them to see the light of Christ in us. Above all, let us remember that we are first and foremost citizens of your heavenly Kingdom and ambassadors for Christ in our interactions with others.
Lord God, we praise you for the hope we have in the Resurrection. We long for the day when all that is broken in the world will be healed and your Kingdom will come in fullness. In the meantime, empower us to work for your glory as we love our neighbors to the best of our ability. All this we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Contributed by Sean Hall