September Prayer
Father, you have made each of us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son. We pray that you look with compassion on the whole human family.
Extend your grace, love, and strength to those who are struggling with losses endured resulting from natural disasters.
Continue to provide wisdom and good judgment in our ongoing struggle with Covid 19 and its variants as we pray for those dealing with the ravages of this disease in their lives and in society. Strengthen and bless the frontline healthcare workers as they meet the seemingly insatiable demands of this pandemic among all the other health issues that must be tended to as well.
Make the power of your presence felt among the peoples and nations who are living with violence and oppression especially in Afghanistan. Do not let threats multiply or power be used without compassion and may the peace that surpasses understanding through Jesus Christ prevail over misguided human willfulness.
In our relationships, our communities, our country, and throughout the world take away any arrogance and hatred that infect our hearts, break down the walls that separate us, and unite us in bonds of love. May we see the day when all of us regardless of race or country or politics serve you in harmony so that your purposes alone are accomplished.
We ask that you send the healing power of Jesus Christ into every life where there is brokenness, loneliness, sickness, or despair.
May Jesus bring wholeness and healing to all these needs through the infinite power of his love and grace and inspire and enable us to make a difference anywhere and to everyone we can as his faithful disciples. Amen.
Contributed by Jim Witherow.