What It Takes to Lead a Multiethnic Ministry

Every church MIF, website or advocate points to their church’s desire to be more ethnically, racially and socio-economically diverse however most of our churches have fallen short of reflecting the diversity of our own communities, let alone achieving the lofty goals of glimpsing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. At the 2019 National Gathering Rev. Ray Garcia will facilitate the workshop Multiethnic Ministry: Leading in, Through and Beyond the Difficulties to address this very topic. This workshop will address the pitfalls that we often get tripped up in, identify tools that help us to equip our leadership, and speak directly to the difficulties that we walk through when we intentionally choose to bare witness to the coming Kingdom of God, in our local churches today.

Rev. Raymond Garcia, is the founder and Executive Director of The Philadelphia Project and a new board member of The Fellowship Community. As Senior Pastor at Roxborough Church, he is married to Michelle, they have four children: Isaiah, Nathan, Cadence, and Thomas. Together they serve as visionaries for both TPP and Roxborough Church. Having served as a Youth Director for 15 years prior, in 2010, Raymond and Michelle trusted the leading of the Lord to settle into the city of Philadelphia and launch a new ministry that he had been praying about since 1996.  He is a graduate of Palmer Seminary, avid bowler, entrepreneur and a budding local urban missiologist. It is with great passion and a sense of urgency to reach the lost, that he continues to serve in these capacities, advancing the Kingdom, proclaiming the Good News and looking forward to the Day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:12).


Join us at the First Presbyterian Church in Tulsa, OK February 19-21, 2019 for The Fellowship Community’s National Gathering.


Study on Spiritual Warfare at Pastor’s Gathering this Fall


The Long Game of Faithfulness