Insights and Encouragement for Church Leaders
March 2023 Prayer
During Lent, the prayer podcast—Pray as You Go—is closing each of their daily meditations with the following prayer. I hope it blesses you the way it has blessed me. You have given all to me, To you, Lord, I return it. Everything I have is yours, Do with it what you will. Given me only…
Life Together
I’m 64 years old, I’ve been in full-time ministry for nearly 27 years and you’d think I would remember important things I’ve learned along the way. But sometimes, especially in the wake of the Covid years, I have things to RE-learn. One of them is simply the importance of shared experiences. It’s come up several…
February 2023 Prayer
Loving Father, As you prepare us for our next National Gathering, our world seems to be changing faster than we would ever imagine. Sustain my sisters and brothers in Christ so that we can all anticipate entering into your presence together worshiping our unchanging Lord and Savior. Thank you, Jesus, for being our firm foundation…
Fridays are one of my favorite days. I plan my week so that my main Friday task is the study, prayer and imagining work for Sunday’s sermon. I get started earlier in the week, but the bulk of study time before writing happens Friday. If I’m preaching from a New Testament text, I always start…
It’s a fresh, new year. 2023. I love New Year’s. I love new starts, beginnings, hitting reset, starting with a clean slate and all those other cliches that apply. Love it. AND..I feel like I’m spinning my wheels right now in ministry. It’s not the first time this has happened in these 25+ years. I’m…
Prayer for the New Year
God of all people, we thank You for an awareness of new beginnings as we begin 2023. May we be aware of Your Spirit’s leading as we discern next steps in our personal lives as well as the lives of our congregations. May we always include You in our plans, discussions, and discernment. Open us…
Ready for the Incarnation
We went to New York City last week. We usually journey there the first week of December. Two of our three adult kids and spouses are there, as well as a running race in Central Park, museums, great food, bookstores and…well, New York at Christmas. We love it. One of my required stops is always…
December Prayer
Heavenly Father, In this season of waiting, send your Spirit to your Church. Grant us patience, wisdom, and grace, as we long for our awaited Savior, once born in a stable in Bethlehem, now seated at your right hand, waiting to return in glory as King. As we prepare our hearts to celebrate both comings…
November Prayer
Heavenly Father, we thank you for your abundant mercy and grace toward us. We praise you for you are faithful and sincere even the time of Pandemic. God of Love, we ask your forgiveness to our trespasses that we have made with or without knowing. O Lord, with humble hearts we pray your blessing the…
I think I need bigger dreams. It was reinforced in a coffee shop recently. The guy in line in front of me said to the cashier, “How’re you doing?” The answer, which you’ve heard before, was, “Oh, you know. Livin’ the dream.” Complete with eye roll. Any time I hear someone say they are “livin’…
A Hard Time to Be a Pastor
It’s a hard time to be a pastor. Everybody says it. Newspapers run columns about it. Every survey reflects it. To be fair, this pandemic time with its heightened isolation and the accompanying vitriolic political scene has been a hard time for everybody–students, parents, teachers, medical staff, and sure, yes…pastors too. Navigating zoom meetings, adding…
October Prayer
Heavenly Father, Reformation Sunday beckons us to remember that you are our Sovereign Lord. As much as we like to tell ourselves that we are in control of our lives, all too many events remind us that we can trust in you alone. Moreover, as the election approaches, we are sorely tempted to look to…
I’m not much of a bowler, but I remember taking our kids to a bowling alley several times for an evening of fun. When they were very young, the most fun was had when the manager put “bumpers” in the lane gutters. That kept the ball out in the middle of the lane so it…
Who is going to replace them?
I had a four week vacation in July/August. Pastoring at a small church means that having people lined up to preach can be a bit challenging, but it went smoothly. Two local pastor friends, my one staff colleague, and then the fourth week was “elder preach” day. Three of our stellar elders each took on…
September Prayer
Gracious Lord, We come before you in awe of your majesty and marvel at your goodness. For you are truly good and we know what is good, holy and pure because of you. We have not always reflected your love, compassion and goodness in this world and yet you remain faithful to your covenant even…
Cacophony is defined as “a harsh discordant mixture of sounds.” I’m embarrassed to say that my initial introduction to the word was from early Monday Night Football personality Howard Cosell in describing the loud sound of a game-night crowd. Cacophony. It’s probably a good descriptor for our world today, don’t you think? Good Lord. Acrimony…
Who am I a Pastor to?
At our Seattle church it was called the Wednesday Night Dinner. In Hollywood, it was The Lord’s Lighthouse. Here in Santa Rosa, it’s the Nomadic Shelter. All of these ministries have provided regular opportunities for me to be around friends who are homeless, challenged with mental illness, struggling with addictions or battling major physical issues.…
Tod Bolsinger Recording
Thanks to all who joined us back on October 28 online for an afternoon with Tod Bolsinger on his latest book, Tempered Resilience. If you’d like to access the recording of the presentation, you may do so by clicking here We look forward to continuing this conversation at our upcoming National Gathering, May 17-19, at…
January Prayer
Father of all hope and promise, we begin a new year with anxious uncertainty of what lies ahead. So many of the trials and tribulations we have endured from this pandemic are still with us and the Covid-complicated challenges of daily life for so many still remain. We pray for our children whose education is…
From the Depths
I finished the Christmas Eve service here in Northern California, zipped over to our small airport and hopped a plane to Seattle (our hometown) to join Anne, all our kids and both families for a celebratory week. Oops. Didn’t happen. Covid struck. So did a rare Seattle snowstorm, for that matter. But covid kept most…